‫‪ ‬مظاهرة‪ ­ ‬بوابة‪ ‬براندنبورغ‪ ­ ‬السبت‪ ­ ۳۰/۷/۲۰۱٦‬الساعة‪ ‬الرابعة‪ ‬عصرا‬

‫منذ‪ ‬فترة‪ ‬والهجمات‪ ‬على‪ ‬اللاجئين‪ ‬فى‪ ‬تزايد‪ ‬مستمر‪, ‬فنحن‪ ‬نرصد‪ ‬بقلق‪ ‬شديد‪ ‬حالات‪ ‬الحريق‪ ‬المتعمد‪ ‬لاماكن‪ ‬إيواء‪ ‬اللاجئين‬
‫وتصاعد‪ ‬العنصرية‪ ‬تجاه‪ ‬اللاجئين‪ ‬في‪ ‬المانيا‪ .‬الهجمات‪ ‬على‪ ‬منازل‪ ‬وأماكن‪ ‬إيواء‪ ‬اللاجئين‪ ‬هى‪ ‬ليست‪ ‬ظاهرة‪ ‬جديدة‪ ‬وانما‬
‫تتكررعلى‪ ‬مدي‪ ‬سنوات‪ ‬هذه‪ ‬الأفعال‪ ‬العنصرية‪. ‬‬
‫يرافق‪ ‬هذا‪ ‬التطور‪ ‬صعود‪ ‬حزب‪ ‬القومية‪ ‬والعنصرية‪) ‬البديل‪ ‬من‪ ‬أجل‪ ‬ألمانيا(‪ ,‬الا‪ ‬ان‪ ‬القومية‪ ‬فى‪ ‬حد‪ ‬ذاتها‪ ‬تمثل‪ ‬خطرعلى‪ ‬كل‬
‫لذا‪ ‬نحن‪ ‬فى‪ ‬مبادرة‪ Togo Action Plus ‬بصدد‪ ‬تنظيم‪ ‬مظاهرة‪ ‬ضد‪ ‬حزب‪) AfD ‬البديل‪ ‬من‪ ‬أجل‪ ‬ألمانيا(‪ ‬وحالة‪ ‬العنصرية‬
‫ً‪ ‬امام‪ ‬بوابة‬
‫السائدة‪ .‬شاركونا‪ ‬الخروج‪ ‬الى‪ ‬الشارع‪ ‬وذالك‪ ‬يوم‪ ‬السبت‪ ‬الموافق‪ ۳۰/۷/۲۰۱٦ ‬عند‪ ‬الساعة‪ ‬الرابعة‪ ‬عصرا‬

اتصال: 0176/73902314‬‬

July 30, 4 pm, Brandenburg Gate: Demonstration

There are more and more racist attacks on refugees. We are afraid that the number of arson attacks on refugee camps—and overall racism in Germany—will even increase.

Nevertheless, attacks on dwellings and accommodations for refugees are not a new phenomenon; they occur in a high frequency for years. This fact is accompanied by the rise of the nationalist, populist and partly racist party „Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD).

Nationalism, populism and racism are not an alternative, but a serious danger for all refugees and post-migrants!

The organization Initiative Togo Action Plus is willing to stick up against the present developments. Therefore, we invite you all to be part of a demonstration on Saturday, July 30 at Brandenburg Gate!

Contact: 0176/73902314